Make a Booking Request

Use this form to make a Booking Request. If a film does not appear on this website, please write it in the comments or contact us directly. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Create an account so that your details are saved for future booking requests.

Business Name*
Business Address*
Business Suburb*
Business Postcode*
Business Country*
Business State*
Business Phone*

Contact Name*
Contact Mobile
Contact Email*
Purchase Order Reference (optional)

Screening Details

Start date


End date (optional)

Number of times film(s) will be screened*
Expected Audience (per screening)*
Outdoor or Indoor?*
Patrons charged to watch a film?*
How much in $AUD if patrons are charged?

Screening Location Details

Screening Location Name*
Screening Location Address*
Screening Location Suburb*
Screening Location State*
Screening Location Postcode*
Closest Cinema (Kilometres)*
Venue's maximum capacity*
Loan DVD Required?*
Extent to which the screening will be advertised. Please be as detailed as possible.
©2024 Village Roadshow Limited, Australia.